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API Reference

This section contains the API reference documentation for the Auth-N API. You can use this documentation to explore the available endpoints, request and response formats, and authentication mechanisms.


This is a work in progress project. Do not use it in production.


The Auth-N API provides a set of endpoints for managing user authentication and authorization. It offers a range of features to help you secure your application and manage your users effectively.

The API is designed to be flexible and extensible, allowing you to customize it to meet the unique requirements of your application. Whether you are building a small web application or a large enterprise system, Auth-N can help you implement user authentication with ease.

The best part is that Auth-N is highly scalable and performant, making it suitable for applications with high traffic and large user bases.

Also not to forget, Auth-N is completely free and open-source, so you can use it without any licensing restrictions and contribute to its development if you wish.


This documentation is a work in progress and will be updated later. Stay tuned for more updates!